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Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

How to Sell More Coaching Programs in 4 Easy Steps - A Guide for Coaches

Selling lots of coaching programs in the online arena doesn't need to be a very difficult process. You see, you can make this happen by simply taking these 4 easy steps:
1. Create an impressive website. The first thing that you need to do is to ensure that your website is superb. Remember, this represents your coaching business in the online arena so you better make sure that it's perfect. It must not only be visually-appealing and easy to navigate but it must also speak volumes about your professionalism, your exceptional coaching skills and your expertise in your chosen niche. People who are giving you a visit must be convinced that you're the best coach in your chosen field.
2. Build a good reputation in the online arena. What successful internet marketers say is true: reputation is everything when running an online business. Be known not only as an expert in your chosen niche but someone who cares about your clients as well. Be willing to help your potential clients by giving them free experts tips and advice. Then, strive to impress your paying customers by making sure that they'll get everything they need in order to realize their goals or solve their pressing issues. It will also help if you offer them with amazing after-sales support.
3. Offer free coaching sessions. Giving your prospects a sneak peek of what you offer can really help you boost your sales and revenue. Obviously, your potential buyers will not mind doing business with you if they have a guarantee that you have what it takes to give them great value for their money. So, offer interested parties with free group coaching sessions. It's important that you put your best foot forward when doing this. Don't forget to promote your paid offerings before you end each free session and ensure that you give your attendees irresistible deals so they will not walk away without signing up. For example, you can offer them with amazing discounts that they can advantage of for a limited time only.
4. Launch an aggressive internet marketing campaign. Even if you're the best coach in your chosen field, you may still not get as many sign ups as you want to if you don't know how to properly promote your coaching services in the online arena. This is the reason why I recommend that you learn and master the ropes of internet marketing. You will need to promote your website and your coaching programs through PPC advertising, through content-based marketing solutions, through social media marketing, etc. If you think that you've got your hands full or you don't have the needed skills yet, go ahead and hire expert internet marketers to do the job for you. It may mean shelling out your money but it's definitely worth it as you'll be able to benefit from the expertise and years of experience of these people.

By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

How to Drive More Traffic to Your Website - Article Marketing Tips for Coaches

As they say, traffic is the backbone of every online business. If you want your coaching business to grow exponentially, you need to ensure that you'll be able to drive high quality traffic to it on a daily basis. More traffic means more chances of improving the number of your sign ups.
Right now, there are so many traffic-generating tools that you can make use of. There's always search engine marketing, PPC advertising, the use of banner ads and paid links, etc. But if you want something that is already tried-and-tested and something that will not burn your pockets, I would recommend article marketing. This is the process of creating awareness in the online arena through content distribution. It's very effective because it uses bait in capturing the attention of your potential clients. As you know, information is the primary reason why people are using the internet.
Here's how you can drive more traffic to your website through article marketing:
1. Be willing to share in-depth information to your readers. If all you want to do is to offer your readers with general information or something that they already know about, I'd say stop right there as you'll just waste your precious time and energy. Keep in mind anything that is mediocre or useless will not help you project a good image in the online arena. If you want your article marketing campaign to be really effective and very aggressive, you must always put your best foot forward when writing your articles. They must contain in-depth information that will serve as proofs that you're really an expert in your chosen niche.
2. Talk about recent issues. Always be on the lookout for fresh issues that are related to your chosen field and ensure that you'll be the first one to write about them. Doing this will help you convince your prospects that you're a good source of valuable, fresh information. I suggest that you start your day by checking RSS feeds and knowing the most recent topics that are creating waves on forums and blogs that are relevant to your coaching programs.
3. Give you audience great reading experience. Aside from properly educating your readers, it will also help if you make reading a great experience for these people. Help them easily understand your thoughts and ideas by using simple terms and by keeping your paragraphs and sentences short as possible. Then, write using conversational tone. Don't hesitate to tell relevant stories and tell related jokes every now and then. Making your readers laugh through your articles can be difficult but if you can do this, you'll win half the battle of winning their hearts and later on, their business.
4. Promote your articles. It's best if you use some of your articles on your blog and website. With the recent Google's algorithm change, doing this will give you a better shot at securing better page ranking. You can then publish the rest of your articles on directories and relevant blogs.

By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011

How to Choose the Best Directories - Article Marketing Secrets for Coaches

Article marketing sites or directories are the most commonly used websites by article marketers. These websites will publish your articles and in exchange, you'll get to build inbound links for your website through your resource box. Right now, there are hundreds of directories in the online arena. The question I usually get from new article marketers is: do I need to use all of them? Well, the answer to this question is no. This is because not all directories are created equal; some do not have what it takes to really help you realize your internet marketing goals.
Here's a guide on choosing the best directories to use:
1. Check out the page ranking. Get the list of article marketing sites and check out their page ranking. You would want to use those that are obviously preferred by Google and other major directories. These websites can help you get your articles on top of relevant listings each time the keywords that you're targeting are searched for by your target audience.
2. Know their guidelines. Check out the rules of the directories that you would like to use when it comes to the quality of the articles that they accept and publish. If they don't have human beings who check the articles that they receive, they're no good. This means that they'll accept anything and that they don't really care about giving their visitors great reading experience. You don't want to be associated with this kind of directories, right?
3. Go with directories that have faster review and posting time. You would want to get your articles published as soon as possible. So, choose those directories that have faster review and posting time. Highly recommended directories' posting time is usually 5-10 days depending on the type of your membership. Others will take more than 30 days to publish your articles. Believe me, you don't want to waste your time on these.
4. Choose directories that offer support and guidance. There are very few directories that offer assistance to their contributors. From time to time, they send out informative newsletters with the aim to help article marketers to improve the quality of their articles or to help them become more productive. They also offer tips and advice as to how their contributors can energize their article marketing campaign.
5. Do not use those directories that allow blatant ads on article body. Directories that allow their contributors to insert sales pitches, self-serving links, and blatant ads on article body are no good for giant search engines. Obviously, these directories do not care if their visitors will get useful information or not.
6. Use directories that are being used by successful article marketers. Successful marketers have been doing the process for several years. I am confident that with their experience and exposure, they know which directories are really helping them realize their goals.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Isnin, 23 Mei 2011

Improve Your SEO Rankings Through Article Marketing - A How-To Guide for Coaches

Article marketing is a very effective, cost-efficient off page optimization technique for any type of website or blog. Any internet marketer who cares to do the process right, can expect improvement in their page ranking and increased in their web traffic. This is a very simple process of writing several articles related to your coaching programs with the aim to create product awareness in the online arena and later on, to get people to visit your website.
The process starts by choosing the best topics for your articles. In order to make well-informed decision, I suggest that you get to know the pulse of your potential clients. Involving these people when identifying the things to discuss on your articles will really help in making your copies very targeted. As a coach, I would recommend that you talk about the problems or goals that can be solved or achieved through your programs so you can easily get your prospects to pay attention.
Do not forget to identify the keywords that you're going to use before you even start tapping on your keyboard. Launch keyword tracker and determine the keywords that are closely related to your chosen topics. You will need to use these to ensure that your articles will become searchable in the online arena.
The next step is to write your articles. Remember, quality really counts not only on the eyes of directories but on the eyes of search engines as well. So, take the time to put together nice content that will impress your readers. Load your articles with useful information that your readers haven't heard of yet. Make use of short sentences, short paragraphs, and simple terms.
Then, distribute your articles to directories. You don't need to use 100 of them. In fact, it's highly recommended that you focus your attention only on those that have better page ranking and those that are trusted by online users. These sites have what it takes to give each of your articles maximum exposure.
How this process can help you boost your page ranking? Each time you get an article published on major directories, you'll get high quality inbound links for your website. As you know, these links are seriously being considered by Google when they're assigning page rank. The more links you build for your website, the better. That is why, I recommend that you write and distribute as many articles as possible. Just ensure that you do not put their readability and overall quality on the line.
The articles that you write will also help your potential clients easily find you in the online arena. Once these articles show up on relevant listings, online users can easily click and open them. When that happens, they'll be exposed to your resource box which serves as the gateway to your website. Obviously, this is the key to more traffic and later on, to more sales leads.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Ahad, 22 Mei 2011

Improve Your SEO Rankings Through Article Marketing - A How-To Guide for Coaches

Article marketing is a very effective, cost-efficient off page optimization technique for any type of website or blog. Any internet marketer who cares to do the process right, can expect improvement in their page ranking and increased in their web traffic. This is a very simple process of writing several articles related to your coaching programs with the aim to create product awareness in the online arena and later on, to get people to visit your website.
The process starts by choosing the best topics for your articles. In order to make well-informed decision, I suggest that you get to know the pulse of your potential clients. Involving these people when identifying the things to discuss on your articles will really help in making your copies very targeted. As a coach, I would recommend that you talk about the problems or goals that can be solved or achieved through your programs so you can easily get your prospects to pay attention.
Do not forget to identify the keywords that you're going to use before you even start tapping on your keyboard. Launch keyword tracker and determine the keywords that are closely related to your chosen topics. You will need to use these to ensure that your articles will become searchable in the online arena.
The next step is to write your articles. Remember, quality really counts not only on the eyes of directories but on the eyes of search engines as well. So, take the time to put together nice content that will impress your readers. Load your articles with useful information that your readers haven't heard of yet. Make use of short sentences, short paragraphs, and simple terms.
Then, distribute your articles to directories. You don't need to use 100 of them. In fact, it's highly recommended that you focus your attention only on those that have better page ranking and those that are trusted by online users. These sites have what it takes to give each of your articles maximum exposure.
How this process can help you boost your page ranking? Each time you get an article published on major directories, you'll get high quality inbound links for your website. As you know, these links are seriously being considered by Google when they're assigning page rank. The more links you build for your website, the better. That is why, I recommend that you write and distribute as many articles as possible. Just ensure that you do not put their readability and overall quality on the line.
The articles that you write will also help your potential clients easily find you in the online arena. Once these articles show up on relevant listings, online users can easily click and open them. When that happens, they'll be exposed to your resource box which serves as the gateway to your website. Obviously, this is the key to more traffic and later on, to more sales leads.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Jumaat, 20 Mei 2011

How to Save Your Articles From Getting Rejected - Article Marketing Techniques for Coaches

Getting your articles rejected by major directories and search engines can be downright frustrating. Just imagine all the time and effort that you put in to finish those articles just to realize in the end that you'll not be able to use them. This is the reason why I am writing this article. In here, I'll give you some amazing techniques to ensure that not one of your articles will be rejected again. Here's what you need to do:
1. First, commit yourself to giving your readers original, useful articles. Article directories are much stricter these days when it comes to the quality of articles that they publish. This is due to the latest algorithm change of Google. They will not accept your articles if they're obviously copied from other sites or blogs or if you just rewrite other articles and offer the same information. So, be willing to work harder to reap great results. This may mean spending more time doing research, paying attention even to smallest details, and committing to giving your readers nothing but useful, valuable information.
2. Check your grammar. As I said a while ago, article directories are much stricter these days. What used to be acceptable before is no longer acceptable now. Before, they'll accept articles that contain few grammar and spelling errors but not anymore. I guess the people behind these directories no longer have the time to do your job. So, proofread your articles before you submit them. Ensure that they're ready for publishing once you click that submit button. If possible, I would also suggest that you get the services of professional editors to ensure that your articles are flawless.
3. Advertise only on your resource box. It's very article marketer's goal to make an outright sale but this doesn't mean that you can use your articles as product-promotional tools. Do not make them sound like sales pitches and do not insert blatant ads or self-serving links on your article body. There's no way that directories will allow this.
4. Longer is better. Gone are the days when 300-word articles are ideal for publishers. Today, they prefer articles that are a bit longer (600-1,000 words). Some publishers are convinced that by increasing the required word count, contributors will be forced to offer their readers with more information. Obviously, this will make online users happier.
5. Follow 2% keyword density. Don't get too excited to use your keywords on your article body. You see, one of the major reasons why articles are rejected by directories is because of keyword abuse/spamming. Be on the safe side by using your main keywords just once for every 50 words. Substitute it with relevant terms when needed to avoid keyword spamming and to avoid making your articles sound redundant.
6. Check your resource box. I highly recommend that you make use of preview button before you submit your articles. This is to ensure that the anchor texts on your resource box are working properly.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Khamis, 19 Mei 2011

How to Make Your Article Marketing Campaign More Aggressive - A Useful Guide for Coaches

Gone are the days when only few people use article marketing. Those were the days when internet marketers who were publishing just 1-3 articles per week are already getting so much traffic and better page ranking. Today, as the competition in this field is getting much and much stiffer, producing 10 articles per week will not to the trick. In order to ensure that you'll get your fair share of online attention, you will to take your campaign to the next level. Here's how you can do that:
1. Quality is the key. Quality has always been the most important element in the field of article marketing. If you make that conscious decision to offer your readers with nothing but the best, there's no way that you're going to fail in this endeavor. This will mean giving these people nothing but very educational articles that contain useful information and that are very well-written. As they say, giving your audience great reading and learning experience is the fastest way to get them to click through your resource box.
2. Writing more articles will make a huge difference. Article marketers are not joking when they say that article marketing is a game of numbers. This is the reason why people who are successful in this field are writing and publishing as much as 10 articles per day. Well, you should do the same so you can finally start getting the kind of results that you want. Yes, writing so many articles per day can be really exhausting but you can make it manageable by sticking with topics that you know very well and those topics that you find very interesting. If writing 10 articles per day isn't something that you can squeeze in your daily tasks, consider outsourcing some of them. Don't worry as right now, there are hundreds of reliable, talented ghostwriters who can help you out especially if you're willing to offer them attractive compensation.
3. Master the art of SEO. You'll have a better shot at getting found in the online arena if your articles are properly optimized. This is the reason why I highly recommend that you become an expert in SEO article writing. Knowing how to write your articles based on the latest algorithms of search engine will dramatically help you easily succeed in this field.
4. Show off your expertise. Take each article as an opportunity to show off your in-depth knowledge in your chosen niche. This is very important especially if you're selling information-based products like coaching programs. This will give your prospects an assurance that you're really good on what you do and that you can really help them achieve whatever goals they have.
5. Use all popular article marketing sites. Identify and use all of those sites that are trusted by both giant search engines and online users so you can give your articles maximum exposure.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products?
If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching
Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions?
If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

How to Use Article Marketing to Build a Full Time Online Business

I often see article marketing being used online just for traffic generation. And of course that is okay, if you have a backend that converts into dollars.
But what I usually see is that if people have an ineffective backend, they are unable to convert their visitors into subscribers, or if they can do that, they cannot get those subscribers to buy.
And of course, just as with any other traffic source, if you don't get the visitors to become subscribers, and the subscribers to become buyers, you might as well not be driving traffic.
And if you are driving traffic in a vacuum - meaning that you are driving traffic just because some guru told you to - but you don't know what to do with that traffic, then you might as well not be driving traffic.
And in my personal opinion, if you are not doing article marketing with an end-purpose in mind, then you are wasting your time, unless you are just doing it for fun, and you don't care if you monetize it (and I think there are a few people in the article directories that are doing just that, and that's okay for them.)
But I am going to make the assumption here that you want to make money from your article marketing.
The first thing you need to do is think about how you are going to monetize your article marketing.
That's right - you are going to think about the monetization BEFORE you focus on writing articles.
The model I like for beginners is this:
Write an ebook to giveaway to get people to become subscribers.
Record a one hour teaching on your topic and sell it for $20.
Record a five hour teaching on your topic and sell it for $100.
Create a 13 week live class on your topic and sell it for $500.
Then create a coaching program using the 13 live recordings as the core material of the coaching program, and charge between $100 and $500 per month. Your goal is to get as many article readers as possible to become subscribers.
Then get as many subscribers as possible to buy your $20 product.
Then get as many buyers of your $20 product as possible to buy your $100 product.
Then get as many buyers of your $100 product as possible to enroll in your 13 week class.
Then get as many future buyers of your $100 product to enroll in your ongoing coaching program.
Of course, this is a beginning model, and you can create as many products and price points as you want, and you can add as many downsells, upsells, crosssells, and other things you have learned from others, to your model.
But don't worry about all those now.
Focus on getting a simple product line in place.
Once you have determined basically what your product line is going to look like (for example, from the model I just gave you) you should then begin writing articles for the purpose of getting the types of subscribers who will likely become subscribers and then buyers.
I have written a short guide to teach you how to write articles that specifically target the kinds of people who will become subscribers and buy your products, get it here: article marketing traffic.
Or if you have already mastered article marketing and have a product funnel, but want to learn to add a lucrative coaching program, get this instead: How to Sell Coaching

Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Simple Formula for Online Success

I get really frustrated with all the complexity that is built into the online income generation business. You see - if the person selling the information makes it seem really complex, perhaps they hope you will be impressed with the complexity, and feel like you have to learn from this person all the complexities.
But I don't think online marketing is that complex.
In fact, I think it's pretty simple.
It's all the things people add in that make it complex.
You see, online marketing is all about selling.
That's right.
If anything you are doing isn't leading to sales, don't do it.
Now, I can hear you now.
You might be saying, but I want to serve my market.
Ok, are you willing to do that for free?
If so, this article is not for you.
In fact, I'm not for you.
But...if you want to serve your market AND make a living...then you have to sell.
And if you are going to have to do all your serving with the end in mind.
I teach in a lot of my products, articles, and trainings, about building relationships with people, about answering emails for people, etc.
That works really well for me.
I answer questions - they buy.
But my list is a special list.
It comes from highly targeted sources (like articles people really read because I am very selective where I submit my articles, so they get readers who need help, then I have a filter when they click through to my site. They can't just roam all over my site without getting on my list. Nope, even the search engines haven't figured out how I do it - 5 years later)
I have a few other highly targeted sources of traffic as well.
But my experience is that most people just try to find traffic - any traffic - and then wonder why it won't convert.
You have to target buyers.
Ok, simple formula:
1) A niche that has buyers. Period. If they ain't buyin' - you are in the wrong niche. Find niches where the demographics of the people are that they are buyers, then qualify them by getting them
2) Create products that these buyers want to buy. If you have junk, they won't buy.
3) Write sales letters that convince people to buy from you. If you have a great product, but your sales letter is lousy - you won't get buyers.
4) Find the buyers and entice them to get on your list. Do what I do and block your website from non-subscribers. Force them to subscribe to get more free info. Of course they could read all my articles - but that would take too much time - better to just buy the info in one place, all nice and organized, instead of reading 500 word chunks, right? Limit access to you.
5) Once you have all these pieces in place - ramp up. Scale up. Get more, more, more traffic.

Isnin, 16 Mei 2011

How to Build a Fulltime Online Business With Article Marketing

I am proof that someone can create a fulltime business online starting by writing articles. In this article, I am going to share with you how I did it, and how you can too.
First - you aren't going to do it just by writing articles and sending traffic to affiliate sites. Nor are you going to do it by writing articles for pay. Instead, you are going to do it by writing articles to build a list of people who are interested in your topic. Then you are going to build a relationship with those people, then you are going to find out what they need help with. Then you are going to help them. And they are going to pay you for their help.
Make sense?
If not, re-read the last paragraph.
The key is in building relationships, then helping people. People will pay you to help them if you can really help them and they really need you.
You aren't going to do it by trying to get people to buy all the time from your articles.
Instead, you are going to build relationships with people, find out what help they need, then give them the help.
Here's how to do it:
1) Choose a profitable niche. Notice I didn't say a niche you love, or follow your passion, do keyword research, none of that. Instead choose a profitable niche. How do you know it's profitable? If OTHER PEOPLE are making money in the niche. In fact, the more people making money, they better. Much better to get a small piece of a big pie than to try to dominate a small pie, in today's market.
2) Once you choose a profitable niche, then start writing articles. Write as many as you can in 4 hours per day. I used to write about 10 articles in a sitting. People ask me, what is the minimum # of articles I can write and still get results? I think that is the wrong question.
Do you REALLY want to make a fulltime income online? Then why would you ask 'what is the minimum I can do"? Ever seen a real winner ask "what is the minimum I can do"? No. They ask, what can I do to be the best. You see, if you aren't striving to be the best - you probably won't make it online.
You see, right now you might be spending 4 hours a day trying to build an online business. But what are you doing? Reading emails, buying products, reading articles - none of which is building your business. Everything you do should be building your business, not wishing or hoping.
3) Build a squeeze page and advertise it at the end of your article - that will build your list.
4) Write emails to your new subscribers, building trust and relationship. Find out what they need help with.
5) Provide the help they need.
Do you want to learn more about building an online business? Download my free ebook here:
internet marketing success

How to Build a Fulltime Online Business With Article Marketing

I am proof that someone can create a fulltime business online starting by writing articles. In this article, I am going to share with you how I did it, and how you can too.
First - you aren't going to do it just by writing articles and sending traffic to affiliate sites. Nor are you going to do it by writing articles for pay. Instead, you are going to do it by writing articles to build a list of people who are interested in your topic. Then you are going to build a relationship with those people, then you are going to find out what they need help with. Then you are going to help them. And they are going to pay you for their help.
Make sense?
If not, re-read the last paragraph.
The key is in building relationships, then helping people. People will pay you to help them if you can really help them and they really need you.
You aren't going to do it by trying to get people to buy all the time from your articles.
Instead, you are going to build relationships with people, find out what help they need, then give them the help.
Here's how to do it:
1) Choose a profitable niche. Notice I didn't say a niche you love, or follow your passion, do keyword research, none of that. Instead choose a profitable niche. How do you know it's profitable? If OTHER PEOPLE are making money in the niche. In fact, the more people making money, they better. Much better to get a small piece of a big pie than to try to dominate a small pie, in today's market.
2) Once you choose a profitable niche, then start writing articles. Write as many as you can in 4 hours per day. I used to write about 10 articles in a sitting. People ask me, what is the minimum # of articles I can write and still get results? I think that is the wrong question.
Do you REALLY want to make a fulltime income online? Then why would you ask 'what is the minimum I can do"? Ever seen a real winner ask "what is the minimum I can do"? No. They ask, what can I do to be the best. You see, if you aren't striving to be the best - you probably won't make it online.
You see, right now you might be spending 4 hours a day trying to build an online business. But what are you doing? Reading emails, buying products, reading articles - none of which is building your business. Everything you do should be building your business, not wishing or hoping.
3) Build a squeeze page and advertise it at the end of your article - that will build your list.
4) Write emails to your new subscribers, building trust and relationship. Find out what they need help with.
5) Provide the help they need.
Do you want to learn more about building an online business? Download my free ebook here:
internet marketing success

Ahad, 15 Mei 2011


So many thing we can get the extra money..but i want to sugguest to you all about blogger.
so simple .you just sign up blog at the and create your blog after that sign up to Google AdSense to be a writing one from your part time....

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2011

How Do You Measure Productivity and Manage Time in Your Art Business?

Today I spent most of the day running errands and taking care of business. I didn't get any painting done. Tomorrow I will be in the studio painting and hopefully getting a lot done. "They" say that being an artist is 50% taking care of business and 50% actually painting. Most people don't realize how much goes on behind the scenes with business, the preparation before painting and the framing when they ask the question, "How long did it take you to paint that?"
The answer really doesn't tell the viewer anything. Besides all the other "stuff" that goes on behind the scenes, an artist generally paints faster and with more ease the longer he has been painting. I've also found that plein air painters as a whole paint faster than other painters. We have to paint fast when we are battling the changing light, bugs, weather (and sometimes people), when we want to hurry up and move on to the next location.
The"stuff" that we do behind the scenes, of course, varies between artists and mediums. But I thought that I would tell you some of the "stuff" that I do. I prepare most of my plein air boards for my small paintings and plein air paintings by having the boards cut then gluing (with a special archival glue) the canvas to the board and cutting the edges. I often stretch my own canvases. I've been known to gesso, texture, and/or underpaint my canvases. All this is done before painting. After painting, I photograph everything at least once, then I varnish each piece.
On the business side, I'm working on the computer, blogging, writing newsletters, posting on my website, commenting, Facebooking, twittering, talking to other artists about the internet (the new way of marketing) and researching marketing and ideas. I prepare for ads in magazines and anywhere else I can think of. I search for appropriate shows and prepare applications and CD's and send money into each one. Then I set those paintings aside and wait to find out if I was accepted. When I have been accepted, I have to box the paintings up, ship them, send the gallery or organizations information, follow up, then wait. I go to plein air events and shows to network with other artists and venues. I send press releases. I talk to designers that I've worked with in the past. I try to find or think of any new or innovative ways to market. I ship off paintings that I sell on my website or blog. I talk to clients about commissions, sometimes they come through, sometimes they don't. Oh, and then there's the framing, buying and assembling (I buy moulding and have a v-nailer for corners). I deliver paintings. I go to the galleries to check out what is going on in the art world and talk to owners that I know. I prepare for workshops that I teach. I take inventory of supplies and buy before I'm out.
So next time when you ask an artist, "How long did it take you to paint that?" remember there's a myriad of things that go on with this business behind the scenes just like in any other business.
Well, tomorrow will be the fun part of the business when I actually get down to painting

Jumaat, 13 Mei 2011

Use Internet to Sell Your Business

Several companies that are planning to put their businesses for sale, still rely on traditional methods of buying and selling business. They are not aware about the help that the Internet can provide them in attaining a wider choice of potential purchasers. The Internet is a huge platform that can help the business owners in exposing their businesses to a large database of prospective buyers. Usually, the buying and selling process of businesses in the Internet-based marketplace is very streamlined to offer a smooth transaction.
For a first time seller, preparing an organization listing for online selling of his business can be a difficult task. Preparing a cover letter and other marketing materials may take a lot of time of the seller. However, while most sellers get busy in getting these details right, they often ignore the importance of having detailed and accurate financial statements. The sellers may fall into the trap of useless complications in the absence of accurate data. Therefore, as a seller it is very important to give yourself adequate time (typically some months) to get your company's fiscal situation in order. Getting all the documents right, including historical financial documents, tax statements, documents related to any debt or liability, and facts and figure stating future growth prospective will help you keep your shoes clean and build a trust bond with potential purchasers.
Estimating a fair value of his business is another stressful task for the owner. Some sellers keep a low value in the beginning, but start increasing their prices as the responses from buyers start pouring in. Nevertheless, as a new seller you will be happy to know that the online marketplace for business for sale offer certain tools to help you determine a fair and adequate price point that you can offer to your clients. These tools calculate the prices based on certain typical factors, such as business size, geographical location, gross earnings, liquidity, competition, and debt.
Getting the latest data regarding the marketplace and other related fields is also very important before planning to sell your business. Your focus should be to target the potential purchasers with highest and best value propositions. Highlight the best attributes of your business while marketing it. Ensure that you produce as much data as possible without hampering the integrity and confidentiality of your business. If the buyer is demanding for more personal data, ensure that he is a genuine buyer (not a spy) and get a non-disclosure agreement signed by him before disclosing any confidential information. Last and the most important tips for any seller are to be absolutely honest with his customers and to offer a price that is fair and justified.
Business2sell provides detailed information on business for salebusinesses for sale, Franchise Business For Sale and more.

Khamis, 12 Mei 2011

How To Make Money With Your Business

Congratulations! You started your business. Now what?
When you start your business, the first thing you think about is how you are going to get clients so you can make money so you don't have to go back to the JOB.
If you don't have a backup plan, then money becomes extremely important. If you don't have a job that is supporting your business or a significant other who is helping you pay the bills, it can be even more stressful.
And if you believe in the laws of the universe, if you are stressed about money then you are most likely not seeing money flowing easily to you. The more you worry, the less you will make. I have experienced that time and time again in my own business, and it is a waste of time and energy.
On the flip side, many people start a business thinking that the money is going to roll in. They put up their shingle and wait for their new clients to stream in. They sit and wait. They do no marketing, no networking, and then they wonder why they do not have clients. Unless you put in the time and effort it takes to be successful, it won't ever happen. Having a business is a lot of work, and it takes tenacity to keep moving forward through a lot of your own mindset stuff, and those of your friend's, family and colleagues who just want you to stop this silly dream you have of being a business owner and go back to work!
So what does that work look like? For those of you who have jobs, this might mean working after work on your own business, or working all weekend, or both. The time you spend will depend on what kind of business you decide to start. If you are starting a completely new business as a coach, trainer or consultant, you will need to get yourself out there to get known. You can do this by building up your social media presence and networking as much as possible. Of course, there is a lot more to do around that as well, but it is a great start.
The next thing you have to remember is that you will have to invest in your business. So this means creating a web site. This could be as simple as a one to two-page site just to let people know what you do and who you are. You will also want to learn a lot about marketing and sales. And, if I had done it right from the beginning, I would have hired a really good business coach to help me put all the pieces together.
Whether you have saved money to start your business or are using your credit cards, make sure you are investing wisely. I can tell you so many stories of new business owners burning through $50,000 with nothing to show for it; that can be very discouraging. If you are unsure where to start, ask your colleagues, networking groups and others who have a similar business for referrals. Then, do you own due diligence to make sure that the coach and marketing and sales trainings you select resonate with you and your values.
The best thing you can do to start making money is to get out their in a big way. Talk to others and go to networking events. Every day blog, write and post on the social sites. As with anything, it takes time. No one gets rich overnight!
Janet Majoulet-Foust is CEO of Two Sister's Marketing, Inc. dba The Social Media Queen and Local Mobile Girls. She is a social media marketing coach, consultant, trainer and manager teaching business owners how to successfully Find The Hidden Money in Their Business in Less Time! Janet is a contributing author of the book 'Success Rituals 2.0: Winning Habits of High-Achieving Women.' You can learn more about Janet and her products and services at: and

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

How To Make Money Studying In A College Or University

Most college students are looking for new ways that they can make cash, whether as pocket cash or living expenses. There are many ways that you, as a college student, can make money in your area. Most of these options require a bit of knowledge and experience, but they are a great way to get started marketing yourself and making money.
1: Sell Yourself Online
There are sites like where you can post your resume and search for a job. You can be an assistant, nanny, babysitter, dog-walker, or anything else you want to be. You can easily create an account, upload your personal information, and sit back and let other people search through the directories to find you. The jobs you get may not be the best paying jobs around, but they are a great way to pick up a bit of extra cash while in college. You can also get practice at marketing yourself and your services in preparation for life after college.
2: Part Time Sales
Many students have signed up to work on sales for local businesses, and every sale they make provides them with a consignment. If you have a way with words and many friends and family who will buy stuff from you, you can easily get hired by a local store as a part-time salesman. Anyone skilled at sales can be a skilled marketing executive, and getting good experience in sales is an important part of preparing for your life.
3: Performing
If you are studying a performing art you can turn your talents to making a bit of profit. Why not look for work as a children's entertainer, clown, balloon artist, or something else where you will get paid to entertain kids at a birthday party or event. You can also simply hire yourself out as a giant hot dog or other large effigy to promote a company or product.
4: Flyers
Many companies are looking for a way to become more well-known, and print thousands of flyers to distribute to people in malls, residential areas, or parking lots. You can look in the classified ads sections of the newspaper to look for a notice offering work for people who are willing to pass out flyers. It is a great way to earn a bit of extra cash, and you can simply wander around the mall or shopping center where you are passing out flyers.
5: Social Work
There are a number of social projects that will hire people to help. Projects such as painting, cleaning local neighborhoods, picking up trash, and many more are always looking for people who are willing to work hard for a small amount of pay. This may not be your ideal way of making money in college, but it certainly beats working at the local fast food joint.
6: Local Restaurants

Many local restaurants are always looking for young people to hire, especially those that are dependable and reliable. Your local McDonalds, Burger King, or fast food joint will probably hire you, as they have special jobs available for those who are going to college.
Interested in money,marketing,business?Learn more about make money online and how to start an online business.


Selasa, 10 Mei 2011


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