Gone are the days when only few people use article marketing. Those were the days when internet marketers who were publishing just 1-3 articles per week are already getting so much traffic and better page ranking. Today, as the competition in this field is getting much and much stiffer, producing 10 articles per week will not to the trick. In order to ensure that you'll get your fair share of online attention, you will to take your campaign to the next level. Here's how you can do that:
1. Quality is the key. Quality has always been the most important element in the field of article marketing. If you make that conscious decision to offer your readers with nothing but the best, there's no way that you're going to fail in this endeavor. This will mean giving these people nothing but very educational articles that contain useful information and that are very well-written. As they say, giving your audience great reading and learning experience is the fastest way to get them to click through your resource box.
2. Writing more articles will make a huge difference. Article marketers are not joking when they say that article marketing is a game of numbers. This is the reason why people who are successful in this field are writing and publishing as much as 10 articles per day. Well, you should do the same so you can finally start getting the kind of results that you want. Yes, writing so many articles per day can be really exhausting but you can make it manageable by sticking with topics that you know very well and those topics that you find very interesting. If writing 10 articles per day isn't something that you can squeeze in your daily tasks, consider outsourcing some of them. Don't worry as right now, there are hundreds of reliable, talented ghostwriters who can help you out especially if you're willing to offer them attractive compensation.
3. Master the art of SEO. You'll have a better shot at getting found in the online arena if your articles are properly optimized. This is the reason why I highly recommend that you become an expert in SEO article writing. Knowing how to write your articles based on the latest algorithms of search engine will dramatically help you easily succeed in this field.
4. Show off your expertise. Take each article as an opportunity to show off your in-depth knowledge in your chosen niche. This is very important especially if you're selling information-based products like coaching programs. This will give your prospects an assurance that you're really good on what you do and that you can really help them achieve whatever goals they have.
5. Use all popular article marketing sites. Identify and use all of those sites that are trusted by both giant search engines and online users so you can give your articles maximum exposure.
1. Quality is the key. Quality has always been the most important element in the field of article marketing. If you make that conscious decision to offer your readers with nothing but the best, there's no way that you're going to fail in this endeavor. This will mean giving these people nothing but very educational articles that contain useful information and that are very well-written. As they say, giving your audience great reading and learning experience is the fastest way to get them to click through your resource box.
2. Writing more articles will make a huge difference. Article marketers are not joking when they say that article marketing is a game of numbers. This is the reason why people who are successful in this field are writing and publishing as much as 10 articles per day. Well, you should do the same so you can finally start getting the kind of results that you want. Yes, writing so many articles per day can be really exhausting but you can make it manageable by sticking with topics that you know very well and those topics that you find very interesting. If writing 10 articles per day isn't something that you can squeeze in your daily tasks, consider outsourcing some of them. Don't worry as right now, there are hundreds of reliable, talented ghostwriters who can help you out especially if you're willing to offer them attractive compensation.
3. Master the art of SEO. You'll have a better shot at getting found in the online arena if your articles are properly optimized. This is the reason why I highly recommend that you become an expert in SEO article writing. Knowing how to write your articles based on the latest algorithms of search engine will dramatically help you easily succeed in this field.
4. Show off your expertise. Take each article as an opportunity to show off your in-depth knowledge in your chosen niche. This is very important especially if you're selling information-based products like coaching programs. This will give your prospects an assurance that you're really good on what you do and that you can really help them achieve whatever goals they have.
5. Use all popular article marketing sites. Identify and use all of those sites that are trusted by both giant search engines and online users so you can give your articles maximum exposure.
By the way, do you want to learn more about how I teach my clients to build simple coaching programs that create much more revenue than just creating information products? If so, download my free guide here: How to Sell Coaching Or do you want to learn more about using articles like this to drive traffic to your website and increase online conversions? If so, I suggest you check this out: article marketing traffic. |
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