When you start your business, the first thing you think about is how you are going to get clients so you can make money so you don't have to go back to the JOB.
If you don't have a backup plan, then money becomes extremely important. If you don't have a job that is supporting your business or a significant other who is helping you pay the bills, it can be even more stressful.
And if you believe in the laws of the universe, if you are stressed about money then you are most likely not seeing money flowing easily to you. The more you worry, the less you will make. I have experienced that time and time again in my own business, and it is a waste of time and energy.
On the flip side, many people start a business thinking that the money is going to roll in. They put up their shingle and wait for their new clients to stream in. They sit and wait. They do no marketing, no networking, and then they wonder why they do not have clients. Unless you put in the time and effort it takes to be successful, it won't ever happen. Having a business is a lot of work, and it takes tenacity to keep moving forward through a lot of your own mindset stuff, and those of your friend's, family and colleagues who just want you to stop this silly dream you have of being a business owner and go back to work!
So what does that work look like? For those of you who have jobs, this might mean working after work on your own business, or working all weekend, or both. The time you spend will depend on what kind of business you decide to start. If you are starting a completely new business as a coach, trainer or consultant, you will need to get yourself out there to get known. You can do this by building up your social media presence and networking as much as possible. Of course, there is a lot more to do around that as well, but it is a great start.
The next thing you have to remember is that you will have to invest in your business. So this means creating a web site. This could be as simple as a one to two-page site just to let people know what you do and who you are. You will also want to learn a lot about marketing and sales. And, if I had done it right from the beginning, I would have hired a really good business coach to help me put all the pieces together.
Whether you have saved money to start your business or are using your credit cards, make sure you are investing wisely. I can tell you so many stories of new business owners burning through $50,000 with nothing to show for it; that can be very discouraging. If you are unsure where to start, ask your colleagues, networking groups and others who have a similar business for referrals. Then, do you own due diligence to make sure that the coach and marketing and sales trainings you select resonate with you and your values.
The best thing you can do to start making money is to get out their in a big way. Talk to others and go to networking events. Every day blog, write and post on the social sites. As with anything, it takes time. No one gets rich overnight!
Janet Majoulet-Foust is CEO of Two Sister's Marketing, Inc. dba The Social Media Queen and Local Mobile Girls. She is a social media marketing coach, consultant, trainer and manager teaching business owners how to successfully Find The Hidden Money in Their Business in Less Time! Janet is a contributing author of the book 'Success Rituals 2.0: Winning Habits of High-Achieving Women.' You can learn more about Janet and her products and services at: http://thesocialmediaqueen.com and http://localmobilegirls.com |
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